Since our last update in April, we have received 1395 signatures from you, concerned citizens with the courage to stand up for your rights. Your support is invaluable.

CLICK HERE to download the petition.

The summer holidays are proving to be productive and we are receiving petitions every week from Belleville, ON to Vancouver, BC. You’ve all been working hard despite the recent heat waves sweeping the country. Thank you!

As of today, the NHPPA has 88,338 petition signatures.

The Charter of Health Freedom was first introduced almost four years ago. The NHPPA has aimed, since that time, to make this petition the largest in Canada’s history. Our goal is to enlist the support of 10% of Canada’s population by collecting 3 million signatures. Yet petitions with far less signatures have helped move legislation. So how does the Charter of Health Freedom compare to other Canadian petitions?

CLICK HERE to read more


You may be interested to hear that the NHPPA has on-going conversations with the Parliament of Canada regarding Paper vs Online petitions. In the last few days we had a conversation with the Clerk of Petitions.

CLICK HERE to read more


Since the launch of NHPPA’s Store Support Action Kit we’ve been hearing about your successful petition stations. Some of you have even sent us photos! If you are a store or clinic and havenot yet seen our brand new comprehensive Store Support Action Kits CLICK HERE

At the NHPPA, we want everyone to have the opportunity to add their names to this national petition demanding the freedom to choose natural health products and the right to pursue vibrant health. By setting up a petition station and by talking about the issues to the people you know, you are participating in one of the most powerful movements in this country.

CLICK HERE to read how citizens can get involved in two simple ways!