NHPPA’s Censorship Compendium (Edition 1)

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This Censorship Compendium is an NHPPA produced publication featuring prominent natural health advocates and thought leaders. NHPPA sought out these experts to develop a collection of original writings on censorship as it relates to our healthcare system and regulations, food safety and the withholding of information ‘for our protection’ that we need to make informed and constitutionally protected decisions.

You will be enlightened, encouraged, and more than likely outraged, by industry experts who share perspectives and insights from their own sphere of knowledge and expertise. This collection comprises contributions from lawyers, practitioners, farmers, activists and scientists.

Excerpts from the piece includes:

“We cannot make the best treatment decisions for ourselves when our government has set up a regime that keeps truthful information from us.” Shawn Buckley, LLB

“The type of censorship Canadians experience, especially in healthcare, is hidden behind the soothing message that the right to informed consent is constitutionally guaranteed and enshrined to in federal and provincial legislation.” Helke Ferrie, BA, MA

“It is the hiding of evidence, the distortion and denial of science, and the skewing of media coverage, that has allowed dangerous GMOs on the market.” Jeffrey Smith Author, Executive Director Institute for Responsible Technology

“In an ongoing Canadian Lawsuit, product censorship has taken on a slightly different skew. Instead of being forbidden to tell the truth about its product, the manufacturer…has been instructed by Health Canada to tell a lie.” Karen Selick, LLB

“It is just those who understand their constitutional right over their fundamental freedom to communicate openly and honestly with one another that stand in the way of a black-out on communications that empower individuals to take responsibility for their health.” Robert Verkerk BSc MSc PhD FACN Executive & Scientific Director Alliance for Natural Health International

Read the complete writings of Shawn Buckley, Helke Ferrie and Jeffrey Smith, as well as powerful contributions from Dr. Zoltan Rona, Montana Jones, Deane Parkes (adapted article), Genevieve Eliany, Ian Stewart, Dr. Shiv Chopra, Heather Fraser, Michael Schmidt, Josh Gitalis, Meghan Telpner, Karen Selick, Patrick Holford, Rick DeSylva, Udo Erasmus and Dr. Robert Verkerk.

Your $10.00 will help support NHPPA’s ongoing campaigns to bring the truth about natural health products and practices to Canadians.

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