Our Mission


Natural Health Product Protection Association (NHPPA) is a federally incorporated non-profit with over 15 years of experience advocating for freedom of choice and the protection of natural health products (NHPs) and dietary supplements in Canada.


The NHPPA has led all major campaigns against threats to NHPs since 2008. Our first campaign was to stop Bill C-51 in 2008. Other trade organizations did not believe it could be stopped and campaigned to “amend” Bill C-51. The NHPPA led the movement to stop Bill C-51 and it was stopped.


We have produced discussion papers which have sparked movements and initiated national campaigns that have reached Health Canada and the Canadian Senate resulting in successfully changing legislation.


With your support, we are now leading a nationwide campaign to STOP the Self-Care Framework, which when fully implemented, will result in the loss of most of our natural health products. Success requires massive Canadian engagement from all sectors; manufacturers, retailers, practitioners, and consumers.


Since its inception, NHPPA has been the leader in assessing and responding to threats facing the natural health industry in Canada. We have established a credible reputation through our legal expertise in this space along with our demonstrated ability to run effective campaigns to engage stakeholders from all sectors to enact change.

Providing the BEST legal analysis

NHPPA provides the best analysis of legal changes and proposals of any NHP advocacy group in Canada. The industry needs an advocate who speaks the truth without concern for upsetting government contacts.

Engaging ALL stakeholders, including you

NHPPA engages stakeholders in all sectors of the natural health industry including manufacturers, retailers, practitioners, and consumers.

Working to protect your constitutional rights

NHPPA acts on behalf of the NHP industry and citizens’ constitutional rights to health freedom. Without access to natural health products, we are not truly free to care for our health and the health of our families.

Shawn Buckley


Shawn Buckley is a Canadian constitutional lawyer with 30 years of experience and a proven track record defending more natural health companies against Health Canada than any other lawyer.


Since 2008, Mr. Buckley has been President of the Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA), which is dedicated to protecting Canadians’ access to natural health products. Among his many accomplishments, he has served as an expert witness on natural health product regulations and constitutional law in both the House of Commons and the Senate, and was perhaps the sole expert witness opposing Bill C-36 (The Consumer Product Protection Act). He also authored The Charter of Health Freedom, which is proposed legislation that gives natural health products and traditional medicines their own Act. A paper petition in support of The Charter is currently the third largest paper petition, pending delivery, in Canadian history.


Most recently, Mr. Buckley drafted a Private Member’s Bill to protect natural product access for all Canadians by amending the Food and Drugs Act (natural health products). With the support of Members of Parliament, the Private Member’s Bill is now named Bill C-368 and has passed second reading in the House of Commons.

NHPPA’s Current Campaigns

Pressure Your Member of Parliament

Don’t be intimidated! We provide everything you need to send letters and postcards, make calls, and have in-person visits.

Private Member’s Bill in the House of Commons

NHPPA has made it easy for you to voice your opinion on Private Member’s Bill C-368 with an e-petition, electronic MP letter campaign, and form letters that all support the repeal of Sections 500-504 of Bill C-47 that apply $5,000,000 per day fines to NHP companies.

The Charter of Health Freedom Petition

The Charter of Health Freedom is the solution to Health Canada’s regulatory overreach that restricts Canadians’ access to natural health products. The Charter petition is currently the third-largest paper petition (pending delivery) in Canadian history!

We Are Making Waves Together

It is only because of you, and supporters like you, that we can continue our work to protect access to natural health products in Canada. Individual, practitioner, manufacturer, and freedom of choice advocates’ contributions are NHPPA’s only source of revenue. There are no government grants for our brand of activism.

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