Discussion Papers

Educate Yourself

We have a 15-year track record of getting it right

NHPPA has established a credible reputation through our legal expertise in the Canadian natural health product industry.

We have published truthful and accurate information about the law and the challenges facing the industry. The NHPPA has a shockingly accurate record of predicting the next Health Canada steps.

The Self-Care Framework predictions are no exception. Read the NHPPA’s 2017 Discussion Papers on the Self-Care Framework and discover that all of the Health Canada actions that are currently threatening the natural health product industry were explained in detail in 2017.

We have produced discussion papers which have sparked movements and initiated national campaigns that have reached Health Canada and the Canadian Senate resulting in successfully changing legislation.

Our Discussion Papers are a top-tier source of information about the threats facing Canadian natural health products.


Published May 2024

Shawn Buckley highlights the hidden changes to food and drug law buried within Canada’s 2024 Budget Bill (Bill C-69). This is a MUST-READ document for all Canadians who value their freedom of choice in healthcare.

The Repeal of the Natural Health Product Regulations

Published October 2017, updated May 2019

Health Canada’s proposed changes to the regulation of natural health products confirms that the war was lost in 2004: we are now renegotiating the terms of our surrender. Health Canada has published a timetable for repealing the Natural Health Product Regulations.

There Is No Middle Ground: Which Side Are You On?

Published November 2021

Shawn Buckley examines Canadians’ loss of freedoms and government restrictions through a historical and legal lens. And he is not mincing words.

Changes To The Drug Approval Test

Published March 2023

Shawn Buckley delineates alterations to the drug approval process that were applied to COVID-19 vaccine authorizations. He questions Health Canada’s messaging that “All COVID-19 vaccines authorized in Canada are proven safe, effective and of high quality.”

Expensive Proposed Changes To Export-Import

Published July 2021

Health Canada has proposed expensive changes to exporting and importing in Canada. These changes can only harm businesses in the Canadian natural health product industry and Canadians’ individual access to NHPs.

Cost Recovery Under The Self-Care Framework

Published April 2019

Health Canada has made it clear that under the Self-Care Framework natural health product companies will be regulated in the same ways as chemical non-prescription drugs and charged chemical-drug style fees for licensing.

Origin of the Self-Care Framework, Health Canada’s “Evidence” Documents

Published January 2019

The purpose of the paper is to reveal the names of the people responsible for the Self-Care Framework and to show the documents they relied upon to bring about this change.