
April 8, 2024

TWO Actions to Take Before Bill C-368 Goes to Second Reading in TWO Days

Bill C-368’s second reading is scheduled in just TWO days! The first hour of debate for Bill C-368’s second reading is scheduled in just TWO days, on Thursday, April 11th, 2024. Time is of the essence! We know these Bill numbers are difficult to keep straight, so as a quick reminder: Bill C-368 seeks to...

Sign the registered e-petition in support of Bill C-368

Let’s continue to stand united and push forward. We’ve done something remarkable together! Thanks to your unwavering support, the NHPPA’s e-petition in support of the Private Member’s Bill, Bill C-368, has gathered 15,099 signatures. Together, we’ve also sent over 300,000 electronic letters to Members of Parliament in support of Bill C-368. These actions demonstrated to...