Campaign Update Replay Now Available | June 13, 2024

The replay of our highly anticipated June Campaign Update Call is now available!

NHPPA team members Veronica Jean and Dana Fiorino shared exciting progress and future steps for Bill C-368, along with the latest on Bill C-69, Canada’s 2024 Budget Bill.

They also addressed burning questions from within NHPPA’s community, such as:

  • What is the process for a Private Member’s Bill like Bill C-368 to become law?
  • Is it true that “Health Canada has the power to recall a tube of lipstick or a head of lettuce but not a contaminated natural health product”?
  • What happens if Bill C-69 becomes law without changes?
  • What’s worse Bill C-47 or Bill C-69?

This event was a special opportunity to celebrate YOU and the incredible advocacy efforts by individual Canadians over the past months. We shine a spotlight on your hard work and achievements!

Don’t miss out on the replay to catch up on all the updates and insights.

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