The natural health community has stood up against the Canadian government several times before. Each time individual citizens, simultaneously taking personal responsibility and collective action, are the reason that our government has backed down on their proposed restrictions to natural health products. As citizens, we cannot forget how powerful we are. NHPPA urgently needs your support to engage your family and friends in an effort to protect the natural health industry, including your access to natural health products, in the face of Health Canada’s Self-Care Framework and Cost Recovery initiatives.
By uniting with the NHPPA and joining our Citizens Network, you’re not just safeguarding the access to natural health products that you value – you’re protecting your health freedom!
Your influence can help repeal restrictive legislation, halt exorbitant fees, and maintain fair product regulation. Empower yourself and your community—join NHPPA’s Citizens Network to protect the future of natural health products in Canada!
We invite you to use your voice and influence to champion NHPPA’s goals and empower your friends and family to get involved in this important movement.
We have created a number of materials for you to share with your loved ones that will spread awareness and provide easy ways to take action. There are a few downloadable documents available below, and when you fill out this form we will send you a comprehensive Citizen Action Kit with exclusive materials including pre-written email content, social media content to share and inspire action, along with printable posters and postcards to display in your windows or give out at events.
Thank you for taking action.
By joining our citizen network, you will make a significant impact at this critical time.