“Say Goodbye” Postcards | Order or Print Your Own

We have well over 100 requests for the “Say Goodbye!” postcards! The response has been overwhelming. If you are still waiting for a reply, we’ll get back to you this week! In the meantime, to have immediate use of the postcards, in a number of new and different variations, we’ve made a page on our website providing you with downloadable, high resolution PDF files that you can print at home, or send to your local print shop. You’ll see both colour and black and white options, for yourself and other fearless advocates closest to you!

There is no end to the postcards being sent to MPs or the letter writing campaign.

The combination of Bill C-47, the Self-Care Framework, and the expansion of Vanessa’s Law will handcuff many in the natural health industry by limiting the types of natural health products that can be used in Canada and the breadth of information that can be shared about natural health products.

Each and every time the natural health community has stood up against the Canadian government, natural health retailers have played a key role in helping the movements reach critical mass for business owners across the country. Natural health practitioners have also been instrumental in combating the unjustifiable control around nature’s remedies. Practitioners have a personal and professional interest in sharing these postcards with your clients/patients. Ask them to help protect your ability to continue practicing. There are brilliant freedom groups throughout Canada who have raised alerts on the government’s continued failures.

The greatest power is in the hands of the citizen. The all-mighty individual consumer is the most important stakeholder group in our fight to protect Canadians’ access to natural health products.

Participate in the Postcard Campaign Today


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