There should be nothing more important to you than having control over your body.
In a recent article written for Druthers, Shawn Buckley warns, “You are losing ownership over your body so that Health Canada can protect a different type of property: intellectual property… Soon, your only treatment options will be chemical drugs Health Canada has approved for you”.
How is Health Canada reducing your treatment options? By replacing our current natural health product regulations with a new policy called the Self-Care Framework (the “SCF”), the public goal of which is to impose the chemical drug regulations on natural health products.
Fortunately, there is hope. As Mr. Buckley recounts in this article, “the two largest Citizen-led movements in my lifetime have been to protect access to natural remedies”. It’s clear that Canadians are passionate about protecting their right to access these life-saving products, and we have an opportunity to use that passion to get Parliament responding to us again.”
To stop Health Canada’s efforts to take control of your body, you have to get involved.
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