
October 27, 2021

Shawn Buckley September 2021 TrueHope Cast Interview with Host Simon Brazier

After their initial conversation earlier this year, Shawn Buckley and Simon Brazier of TrueHope Cast had more to discuss on the topics of natural health, personal sovereignty, and government policy. Published September 9, 2021, Shawn and Simon reconnected for a podcast discussion (1 hour listen), that broaches the question: “Are we losing our natural health freedom?” Simon punctuates the...

Thank You, Connie!

“Thank you for fighting for humanity. I will do all I can to work with you”. Connie begins with a positive and affirming note but shares with us, a year before the world came to a full stop, her more shuddering insights. “This is the [illegible] force at work. The evil beasts who want 85%...

Thank You, Natural Health Advocate!

“Thank you for all your hard work and care for the Canadian people.” We received this heartfelt handwritten note during our incredibly successful “Do You Want My Vote” campaign in late 2019 that garnered the attention of a key Health Canada bureaucrat. As a federally incorporated non-profit with the objective of “Promoting access to Natural...