
May 9, 2024

Ready to celebrate all that we’ve achieved?

While there’s still much work ahead, let’s take a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come and honour all of your hard work! This video was compiled in early 2024 to celebrate all the ways we’ve come together to help protect access to natural health products. Check out the two-minute video to learn more!...

Canadians Are Losing Their Freedom of Choice in Healthcare

If we allow the government to restrict our access to natural treatment options, we will lose our bodily autonomy. This is exactly what is happening under Health Canada’s Self-Care Framework. Excessive regulations will drive natural health product companies out of business and supplements off the shelves, effectively locking Canadians into a “drug and surgery only”...

The United States Fears Canadian Supplement Restrictions

The world is watching us, Canada. What happens in Canada not only impacts us as Canadians, but sets a precedent for international standards. In a recent article by the Alliance for Natural Health USA, the NHPPA is mentioned as a leading advocate for the natural health industry, whose concerns should be taken seriously. With excessive...

We have breaking news that you MUST be aware of!

This past month has been a whirlwind of change, with new updates emerging almost daily. We’re inviting you to hear all the most recent news at our next Campaign Update Live Call on Wednesday, May 22 at 7:00 pm ET / 4:00 pm PT. As usual, we’ll update you on our most recent milestones including progress...