Shawn Buckley Took The Stage at The Health Freedom Symposium

Shawn Buckley’s Week Got Off To An

Shawn Buckley’s Week Got Off To An Exciting Start!

On Monday, Mr. Buckley took the stage alongside six esteemed panelists at The Medical Freedom Symposium 2024, to exchange insights on an issue that crosses borders… health freedom.

Panelists with diverse backgrounds including Del Bigtree, Kelly Gallagher, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Jeffrey Barke, Dr. Bryan Ardis and Dr. Robert O. Young, discussed how we can protect our freedom of choice, in a time when defending this right feels like a constant battle.

Canada’s fight to protect access to natural health products and traditional medicines serves as a microcosm of broader challenges internationally. Shawn’s invitation to speak at this event underscores the interconnected nature of our struggles. We find strength in unity. Mr. Buckley’s attendance highlights the importance of collaboration and mutual support, as a tool to inspire meaningful action and drive positive outcomes for health freedom worldwide.

Watch our social media channels for clips from the event. Aren’t following us yet?

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