NHPPA’s Say Goodbye! postcards are the first of many legs of our campaigns. If they seem a little contentious, they are meant to be. There is little use to softly negotiate with the same authority that has been dissolving the industry year after year. NHPPA asks—how is that negotiating working for you? The cards are effective because they make Members of Parliament aware of the issue and actually define what it is that we are asking for them to do. These postcards kicked the nation off with an action that followed Shawn Buckley’s media circuit. Both the Say Goodbye! postcards and the targeted letter writing to MPs are off to a very successful start—and won’t be letting up any time soon.
We are in a time like no other. If there was a “best” time for us to take back Parliament, it is now. There is a simultaneous and widespread growing interest in the use of natural health products, and momentum within the national freedom movement, to protect nature’s remedies.