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Act Now! Registered E-Petition in Support of Bill C-368 Closes August 1st

With less than one month left, we're making our final push to gather signatures for this e-petition!

Sign the registered e-petition in support of Bill C-368

Let’s continue to stand united and push forward. We’ve done something remarkable together! Thanks to your unwavering support, the NHPPA’s e-petition in support of the Private Member’s Bill, Bill C-368, has gathered 15,099 signatures. Together, we’ve also sent over 300,000 electronic letters to Members of Parliament in support of Bill C-368. These actions demonstrated to...

Sign Our E-Petition Supporting Bill C-368

Last week, we released a Private Member’s Bill, drafted by Shawn Buckley, aimed at repealing Sections 500-504 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2023, No. 1 (formerly Bill C-47). As you likely know, these sections, embedded within the annual budget bill, redefine natural health products and subject the entire industry to heightened regulation by moving them fully...

Sign the Petition: National Citizen’s Inquiry

The National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI), a new not-for-profit organization, will be facilitating a citizen’s inquiry process in early 2023, and will hear from citizens and experts to investigate governments’ COVID-19 policies in a fair and impartial manner. The purpose of the NCI is to have a citizen-led and citizen-funded inquiry to help ensure an objective, nonpartisan...

Campaign Update Replay Now Available | July 11, 2024

Missed Our July Campaign Update Call? Watch the Replay Now! In this update, NHPPA’s National Campaign Director Veronica Jean covered: Specific campaign actions taken during the month of June. The enactment of Bill C-69 and the next steps in our response. The current status of Bill C-368. A sneak peak into our upcoming Charter of...

Celebrating Our Achievements: 2023-2024 Campaign Highlights

Join us as we celebrate the incredible achievements of Canadians like you who are dedicated to protecting the natural health industry and freedom of choice! In this 4-minute video, we highlight the phenomenal engagement and advocacy efforts from our community during the last 12 months of our national campaigning. From distributing 1 million postcards across...

The Most Effective Methods To Communicate With Your MP

Discover the most impactful methods to engage with your MP and request their support for Bill C-368.

Bill C-368 Debate Success: A Love Letter To NHPPA

A heartfelt message from a member of our community celebrates the success of Bill C-368's first debate.

Join The Campaign To Protect Canada’s Natural Health Products

Learn how Bill C-368 aims to protect access to natural health products in Canada, and how you can take action to safeguard your freedom of choice today.

We have breaking news that you MUST be aware of!

This past month has been a whirlwind of change, with new updates emerging almost daily. We’re inviting you to hear all the most recent news at our next Campaign Update Live Call on Wednesday, May 22 at 7:00 pm ET / 4:00 pm PT. As usual, we’ll update you on our most recent milestones including progress...
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