

This is an exciting moment for our cause!

As often happens, Parliamentary business shifted, and the first hour of debate for the second reading of Bill C-368 has been rescheduled for Monday, April 29. As we count down the days, there are three ways you can help ensure a positive outcome: 1. Communicate with Members of Parliament Make your voice heard by sending...

Missed Our April Campaign Update? Watch the Replay Now!

Our April Campaign Update took place last night, but don’t worry—you can catch up on all the important discussions right now! Here’s a recap of what we covered: Exciting new resources Updates on Bill C-368 and second reading Updates on Health Canada’s consultation period on Cost Recovery Answering questions from our community! Watch the replay...

Get Your Action Kit

NHPPA recently announced a set of brand-new pages, custom-built for YOU, that are now live on our website. We invite you to explore the page that’s right for you. There you’ll find everything you need to know to be well-informed about the issues facing your corner of the natural health product industry. Plus, at the...

Join Our Exclusive Networks

The first hour of debate for Bill C-368 further highlighted the pressing need to protect the NHP industry. We must sustain our advocacy to ensure the bill passes second reading and goes to the Standing Committee on Health for further consideration. We urge you to stay engaged and advocate for Bill C-368 by contacting your MP....

Next Campaign Update Call April 24, 2024

Our next Campaign Update is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24th, at 7:00 PM EST / 4:00 PM PST on Zoom. Curious about the latest developments in our effort to protect Canadians’ access to natural health products? Our Campaign Updates provide a platform for you to catch up with Shawn Buckley and the NHPPA team, while diving into...

Bill C-368 Second Reading | Postponed

Bill C-368’s second reading was scheduled to take place last night. As often occurs, Parliamentary business shifted, and the second reading has been postponed until at least next week. We have a little more time! So, we are still asking you to take two actions… We know these Bill numbers are difficult to keep straight,...

One Letter, One Minute: Double the Impact

There are only TWO DAYS left until second reading! Please send an electronic letter in support of Bill C-368 and share this task with others! We’ve already made waves with over 300,000 electronic letters supporting Bill C-368 sent to our MPs! But imagine the impact if every person receiving this email sends just one more...

TWO Actions to Take Before Bill C-368 Goes to Second Reading in TWO Days

Bill C-368’s second reading is scheduled in just TWO days! The first hour of debate for Bill C-368’s second reading is scheduled in just TWO days, on Thursday, April 11th, 2024. Time is of the essence! We know these Bill numbers are difficult to keep straight, so as a quick reminder: Bill C-368 seeks to...

Sign the registered e-petition in support of Bill C-368

Let’s continue to stand united and push forward. We’ve done something remarkable together! Thanks to your unwavering support, the NHPPA’s e-petition in support of the Private Member’s Bill, Bill C-368, has gathered 15,099 signatures. Together, we’ve also sent over 300,000 electronic letters to Members of Parliament in support of Bill C-368. These actions demonstrated to...

Shawn Buckley on The Highwire | The Canadian Government’s War on Supplements

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again—Canada is on a global stage when it comes to natural health product regulation. The world is watching to see how we respond to Health Canada in an effort to maintain our freedom of choice. Shawn Buckley recently joined the legendary Del Bigtree on The Highwire to...
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