

The Interactive Charter

The Charter protects our access to Natural Health Products (NHPs) and Traditional Medicines by creating a separate legal category for them. Rather than being deemed as dangerous drugs under the Food and Drugs Act, under the Charter natural health products and traditional medicines are deemed to be safe, as they are in the United States. The...

We Are Doubling Down, In The Best Way

The Charter of Health Freedom is the best way for us to protect the Canadian natural health industry. Have you heard of it? NHPPA’s petition in support of enacting the Charter of Health Freedom is currently 126,000 signatures strong, making it one of Canada’s largest paper petitions (pending delivery). Our goal in the coming months...

Sign Our E-Petition Supporting Bill C-368

Last week, we released a Private Member’s Bill, drafted by Shawn Buckley, aimed at repealing Sections 500-504 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2023, No. 1 (formerly Bill C-47). As you likely know, these sections, embedded within the annual budget bill, redefine natural health products and subject the entire industry to heightened regulation by moving them fully...

The Momentum Is Unmistakeable!

Today, it is with endless excitement, that we announce a significant and consequential development in our progress toward our goal to protect the natural health product industry in Canada. Last week, we released a Private Member’s Bill, drafted by Shawn Buckley, aimed at repealing Sections 500-504 of the Budget Implementation Act, 2023, No. 1 (formerly...

Health Canada | Exploiting the Death of Ezekiel Stephan

Are you familiar with the case of Ezekiel Stephan? Join David Stephan, VP of Truehope Canada, and constitutional lawyer Shawn Buckley as they discuss how Health Canada officials are inappropriately using the death of Ezekiel Stephan to push their attempts to over-regulate the natural health industry. In an effort to set the record straight, both...

Shawn Buckley Has Been Busy!

While you’ve been busy writing letters and sending postcards to educate our MPs, Shawn Buckley has been busy drafting a new Private Members Bill to repeal sections 500-504 of Bill C-47. A Private Member’s Bill is a Bill that can be introduced by any Member of Parliament that is not a Member of the Cabinet....

Giving Tuesday | A Special Request From Shawn Buckley

Our campaigns are already having an impact! Thank you to all who have been a part of our successes to date – by sending a postcard, contacting your Member of Parliament (MP), signing or collecting signatures for our petitions, volunteering, or supporting us financially. Together we are getting information out, having our voices heard by...

Meet Terry

Terry is an NHPPA warrior and letter writing machine! She has already mailed a letter to EVERY SINGLE MP—that’s 338 letters!! Efforts like Terry’s, that go above and beyond, are helping our MPs to understand the seriousness of the threats facing natural health products and what we, as Canadian citizens, expect them to do about...

MPs Are Returning To Their Home Riding Offices: Schedule A Meeting

MPs are returning to their home riding offices for the week of November 14-17, 2023—so now is the time to schedule in-person meetings during that week! Thanks to your hard work we’ve already seen remarkable success in bringing attention to the threats our natural health industry, and all its stakeholders, are facing. It’s crucial that...

The Hidden Truth Behind Health Canada’s New NHP Regulations

If you had a new idea about something that you thought no one, or very few people had ever had, you might call that a “novel” idea, and you might try to patent it, i.e. acquire intellectual property rights. What is a Use-Patent? For instance, even though you can’t patent a naturally existing herb or...
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