Sign the registered e-petition in support of Bill C-368

Let’s continue to stand united and push forward.

We’ve done something remarkable together! Thanks to your unwavering support, the NHPPA’s e-petition in support of the Private Member’s Bill, Bill C-368, has gathered 15,099 signatures. Together, we’ve also sent over 300,000 electronic letters to Members of Parliament in support of Bill C-368. These actions demonstrated to Members of Parliament that Bill C-368 has merit and is favoured by the Canadian populace!

Our journey is far from over, but each step we take brings us closer to preserving the natural health landscape in Canada. Speaking of next steps….

Please sign the registered e-petition in support of Bill C-368 and share this task with others!

Our journey to protect natural health products in Canada has reached a critical juncture. A newly registered e-petition with the House of Commons is now live, echoing the NHPPA’s e-petition and championing the same vital cause—supporting Bill C-368.

Signing this registered e-petition is not just a signature; it’s a declaration of our collective will to maintain our health freedoms and access to natural health products. Let’s mobilize once again with the same passion and purpose that gathered over 15,099 signatures and sent 300,000 letters. Your voice is powerful—make it heard now by signing the e-petition and urging MPs to vote in favour of Bill C-368.

Sign the E-Petition
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