Liability of the Crown and Servants of the Crown | Shawn Buckley Explains

In this 2:14 minute video of a 21-part series, Shawn Buckley explains Section 23 of the Charter of Health Freedom, “Liability of the Crown and Servants of the Crown”. This section differs from the Food and Drug Act by holding government employees responsible for providing access to natural health products as long as the product is shown to be safer in the hands of the public than if it were to be removed from the market. This differentiation ensures criminal liability for government employees in charge of healthcare decisions that can harm Canadians. There is no “free pass” or special protection. Currently, state employees can remove a product from the market even amidst protest from medical professionals. The Charter of Health Freedom uses the precedent from recent legal proceedings during which the Courts found Health Canada to have acted dangerously.

As the author of this standalone Act, Shawn Buckley makes clear the key features of each section. He breaks down the proposed legislation into language that everyone can understand. Stay tuned as we share the final two videos in the series.

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