Examinations and Sampling | Shawn Buckley Explains

EXAMINATIONS AND SAMPLING In this fourteenth 1:04 minute video of a 21-part series, Shawn Buckley explains Sections 15 and 16 of the Charter of Health Freedom, “Examination and Sampling.” These sections dictate the powers the Minister of Wellness would have to ensure individual natural health products and manufacturers are in compliance with the regulations outlined in the Charter. The Charter would give the Minister of Wellness jurisdiction over the regulation and safety of natural health products and other low-risk treatment modalities. As such, representatives from the Ministry of Wellness would be permitted to take samples, test products and see production facilities to confirm rules are being followed. These sections of the Charter of Health Freedom equip the Ministry of Wellness with inspection capabilities that nearly match those laid out in the Food and Drug Act. To regulate products effectively, the regulatory body must be able to obtain relevant information.

As the author of this standalone Act, Shawn Buckley makes clear the key features of each section. He breaks down the proposed legislation into language that everyone can understand. Next, we will see Shawn discuss Section 17, Assistance for Administrative Examinations.

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