

The Elephant in the Room at the Latest Standing Committee on Health Meeting

This week, the Standing Committee on Health held their second meeting to discuss Health Canada’s proposed changes to our natural health product regulations—no doubt as a result of your calls and visits to their offices, and the thousands of postcards and letters filling their desks. The focus of this meeting was for the committee to...

Media Review | September 18, 2023 to October 18, 2023

We’ve been sharing these media reviews with you periodically since summertime, when things in the natural health product industry began shifting rapidly—and not for the better. Below you’ll find links to articles, podcasts, video interviews, and more! Our goal with sharing these lists is to support you in staying up-to-date with NHPPA’s work in whatever...

Natural Health Products Are Safer Than Food

These Safer than Food Postcards call out Health Canada’s claims around the risks associated with natural health products, which they have consistently pointed to as a justification for targeting the industry via increased regulation. Have you seen our latest postcard design? Check Out Our 1-minute Video According to statistical analyses, natural health products are not...

Meet Sylvie

Sylvie is part of a small but mighty volunteer group in Langley BC who are passionate about protecting Canadian’s freedom of choice and stopping government overreach within the natural health industry by educating their community, printing our postcards, and collecting signatures to enact The Charter of Health Freedom. As a group, they are remaining determined...

Can You Help NHPPA Run Our Campaigns?

It’s No Small Feat! We are in the process of creating the largest grassroots movement in Canadian history. Nothing short of this will protect our access to natural health products. The NHPPA needs assistance with all levels of campaign preparation and execution including: Campaign Planning Campaign Development Campaign Execution Paid Full-Time Campaign Team Lead Opening...

We Need You! Volunteer With Us.

Can You Believe It? We started campaigning to repeal Bill C-47 just over 100 days ago. In that short span of time, by banding together with a shared mission, we’ve reached ALL 338 MPs with our postcards, written letters, phone calls, and visits. Last week, our collective efforts were a prominent point of debate in...

Pat Yourselves On The Back!

Shawn Buckley sat down to record this 2-minute message in order to send a big, heartfelt thank you to you and our entire community. You won’t believe how much your hard work and dedication mean to Shawn and the rest of the NHPPA team. None of your efforts go unnoticed. It’s been an exciting week!...

We Made It To The Standing Committee On Health!

Consider this a monumental step in the right direction! Your consistent efforts to engage your MPs are the reason that we are able to share this video today. Every single MP—that’s 338 of them—received stacks of postcards, personal letters and educational materials from YOU. As a result, MP Robert Kitchen, pictured above, brought a small...

Let’s Do It Again!

Our first round of letter writing to Members of Parliament was an incredible success! MPs spent June, July and August combing through bottomless piles of your handwritten letters, NHPPA Postcards, Discussion Papers, and Crisis Summaries. Together, we’ve shown the power of our collective action and the impact we can make when we come together to...

Media Review | July 18, 2023 to September 18, 2023

Shawn Buckley & NHPPA In The Media It’s been two months since we’ve shared one of these media reviews. Our goal with sharing these lists is to support you in staying up-to-date with our work at NHPPA and to continue learning about the issues facing natural health products in Canada in a way that most...
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