Empowering Communities to Protect Natural Health Products

A shining example of how businesses can help protect the future of natural health products in Canada comes from the Health Matters Store & Wellness Clinic in Edmonton, Alberta.

They hosted a successful community event called the A Lot Matters BBQ, where they educated their community, motivated action and raised funds for NHPPA.

You can do this too! Whether it’s a BBQ, a community gathering, or even an educational night at your store or clinic, YOU have the power to make a big impact.

On a daily basis, you interact with the exact people who care about the same things we do—access to high-quality and affordable natural health products. Your customers are likely to be the very people who will take action to help protect these products.

Thank you to the Health Matters team for organizing this amazing event and for showing us how it’s done!!

We’re deeply grateful to everyone who participated, donated, and helped raise awareness.

Ready to get involved? Download our free materials today!

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