En français, s’il vous plaît?

Deux de nos documents les plus populaires, en français. Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire? You are a loyal NHPPA supporter. You have read all our posts. Well, at least those that your settings allow, those that have significant engagement or those that we boost! Many of you have liked and shared a few. Many of you quite often! We see every one. We could not have achieved our national success without that kind of action. Last year we dialed up our reach with a fundamental characteristic of the Canadian identity. The Francophone public and professional community across the country can confidently educate themselves and their networks on Health Canada’s assaults on health freedom. Impossible n’est pas français //Impossible isn’t French. We quite like this French idiom for NHPPA’s work. “There’s no such thing as “impossible!”

These two French handouts, and all our other current public education materials, in both French and English, can be found within our Action Kits.
We would like nothing more than to have all of Shawn Buckley’s Discussion Papers translated. We do what we can within the limited budget we have. Donate to support our ability to offer activists and advocates more French push back!
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