Excessive Health Canada Regulations Will Drive Natural Health Products Off The Market

Did you know?

Pharmaceutical companies pay massive annual fees to Health Canada, known as Cost Recovery fees, in order to manufacture and market their products.

Now, under the proposed Self-Care Framework, Health Canada plans to enforce similar pharmaceutical-style regulations on the natural health industry, including these devastating fees.

But these fees aren’t just small administrative charges—they’re crippling. Industry stakeholders predict they will drive many companies into bankruptcy and force product line reductions of 40-90%. This means fewer choices for Canadians and higher prices for the natural health products you rely on.

Despite knowing the devastating impact on small businesses and your access to trusted natural health products, Health Canada is moving forward with this plan. We can’t let this happen. Stand with us to protect your access to natural health products.

In this MUST WATCH episode of The Highwire, Shawn Buckley joins Del Bigtree to discuss the consequences of excessive regulation on the natural health industry.

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