Ministry of Wellness | Shawn Buckley Explains

MINISTRY OF WELLNESS In this ninth 1:27 minute video of a 21-part series, Shawn Buckley explains Section 9 of the Charter of Health Freedom, “Ministry of Wellness”. This section creates the Ministry of Wellness, a governing body separate from Health Canada, responsible for regulating natural health products, traditional practices and low-risk healing modalities. The Charter of Health Freedom respects Health Canada as the evaluator of new chemicals that are not in the food supply, while the Ministry of Wellness protects and widely promotes access to low-risk alternative modalities. The divide with Health Canada will result in different protocols, different regulatory rationales and a distinctly separate culture innate only to the natural health stakeholders.

As the author of this standalone Act, Shawn Buckley makes clear the key features of each section. He breaks down the proposed legislation into language that everyone can understand. Protection Against Fraud is the content of the tenth clip where Shawn will discuss how the Charter protects Canadians from unlawful manufacturing or marketing practices.

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