Construction of Law | Shawn Buckley Explains

CONSTRUCTION OF LAW In this fifth 1:39 minute video of a 21-part series, Shawn Buckley explains Section 5 of the Charter of Health Freedom, “Construction of Law.” This section places the rights outlined in the Charter above all other laws, requiring that any policy in Canadian legislation must first adhere to the standards set in the Charter of Health Freedom. Similar to the Canadian Bill of Rights, the Charter is a foundational document. It ensures Canadians’ right to choose is placed at the base of all law. The statements in this section prevent further legislation from negating the Charter’s principles. It prioritizes Canadians and their right to decide what goes in their bodies.

As the author of this standalone Act, Shawn Buckley makes clear the key features of each section. He breaks down the proposed legislation into language that everyone can understand. Stay tuned for the sixth clip, Regulating Natural Health.

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