Presumption of Safety | Shawn Buckley Explains

PRESUMPTION OF SAFETY In this eighth 1:20 minute video of a 21-part series, Shawn Buckley explains Section 8 of the Charter of Health Freedom, “Presumption of Safety”. This section declares that natural health products, traditional remedies and low-risk treatment options regulated by the Charter of Health Freedom are presumed, by law, to be safe. Only with evidence of harm would government interference be appropriate. In establishing a basic presumption of safety, these products and modalities are protected by default, just as they are in the United States. By presuming that low-risk health products are safe, Canadians can depend on the availability of products they rely on to improve and maintain their wellness. Without this standard, products can be swept off shelves without warning to the people who use and need them.

As the author of this standalone Act, Shawn Buckley makes clear the key features of each section. He breaks down the proposed legislation into language that everyone can understand. In the next clip, Shawn will discuss the establishment of the Ministry of Wellness, a much anticipated new regulatory body separate from Health Canada.

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