Retailers have been an integral part of NHPPA’s successes. They are the front lines. Directly reaching the public, everyday. They educate, inform and change lives. They are a trusted resource with a collective voice that is heard by MPs as business owners and employers. Allied retailers across the country are using their positions to advocate for continued access to natural health products through NHPPA’s action campaigns with materials like the Charter of Health Freedom petition and “Help Us Fight Back” brochure. On October 22, 2019 an active retailer in Sylvan Lake, Alberta shared their engagement on social media. We’re taking a moment to applaud their action and share Natural Solutions Health Store’s original post:
“Another 100+ signatures headed to the NHPPA (Natural Health Products Protection Association) you should have FREE ACCESS to natural health products. If you want to get involved contact the tagged organization. Keep the signatures coming. Health Canada needs to hear the message loud and clear.”
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