Join Us In Making Lasting Change For Canada

Think of future generations…

Imagine the healthcare choices you wish for your children, grandchildren, and all future Canadians. Many rely on natural health products to manage their health and well being, and all Canadians deserve the right to choose how they care for themselves.

However, Health Canada has historically imposed inappropriate regulations, fees, and fines on this safe and trusted industry. These measures have already driven many companies out of business and led to significant product loss. Even when Canadians unite to successfully repeal a bill, it’s only a matter of time before Health Canada introduces similar legislation.

Canadians are increasingly voicing their lack of trust in Health Canada’s ability to fairly regulate natural health products.

In order to create lasting change for Canada, Canadians must come together in support of the Charter of Health Freedom. This is proposed legislation that NEEDS to become law.

Let’s ensure our future generations have the freedom to make their own healthcare choices.

Print your own petition page, available in 3 languages, and collect signatures in your community today!

Download the Petition Kit

To learn more about The Charter of Health Freedom, watch our 4-minute summary video!

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