Thank You to NHP Manufacturers!

Manufacturers catalyze NHPPA’s work—but only a few. Kudos go out to those who have allowed us to take action. Their partnerships are without equal. They were the backbone that drove the success of our “Do You Want My Vote?” MP postcard campaign. The campaign saw over 320,000 postcards shipped across the country. It was possible for NHPPA to reach retailers through their channels. They recognize what they, and all Canadians, have to lose if the Self-Care Framework is fully implemented. Sincere thanks for the concept and consistent distribution that engaged retailers, practitioners and the public, nation-wide.

Product shipments to retailers included NHPPA campaign materials. Blank petitions pages, posters, handouts, articles written by Shawn Buckley, “Help Us Fight Back” brochures, and of course, volumes of MP postcards!

Although this campaign has ended, take a look at the success:

NHPPA’s “Do You Want My Vote?” MP postcard campaign launched April 2019. The momentum continues into the fall. With the support of key natural health product (NHP) manufacturers, over 320,000 were shipped across the country. Check out the photo gallery below! Recognize any environments? More postcards are printed and at the ready to ship to any objector of Health Canada’s policies. If you are a member of the public, find one at a health food store or clinic near you! Educate your MP in an indisputably blatant manner. Sustain the pressure as MPs shift their focus to winning constituents’ votes.
Our distribution partners have confirmed that 320,000 pieces were shipped out in the last 6 months. Hundreds at a time. Response letters have confirmed MPs are reading the postcards. They are following the QR code for more education on the Self-Care Framework, the risks to NHPs and the detrimental effects on Canadians’ lives. An election year makes it all the more reason to maintain, and heighten, your advocacy.
We have been pleased to receive dozens of images of “Do You Want My Vote?” postcard displays. Many of which feature our “Help Us Fight Back” brochure. Photos were submitted by retailers and clinics who know the consequences of nonaction. If you showcase these postcards, send us a photo of your display! We would love to represent your cooperation.

To add another layer to the pressure, NHPPA is launching an MP letter writing campaign! One campaign at time to avoid activist burnout. Supporters nailed the postcard campaign, now it’s time for pen to paper. Campaigns launch when the timing is right. For right now, if you haven’t sent your MP a “Do You Want My Vote?” postcard – what’s stopping you?

Print Your Own Postcards from Home

Acton, Ontario
August 16, 2019

Barrie, Ontario
August 2, 2019

Barrie, Ontario
June 2, 2019

Barrie, Ontario
July 13, 2019

Bedford, Nova Scotia
July 13, 2019

Belleville, Ontario
May 22, 2019

Bolton, Ontario
May 16, 2019

Brampton, Ontario
June 19, 2019

Brampton, Ontario
May 22, 2019

Calgary, Alberta
May 3, 2019

Calgary, Alberta
May 12, 2019

Calgary, Alberta
May 22, 2019

Collingwood, Ontario
May 10, 2019

Fergus, Ontario
May 9, 2019

Halifax, Nova Scotia
May 4, 2019

Halifax, Nova Scotia
May 27, 2019

Kitchener, Ontario
June 5, 2019

London, Ontario
June 5, 2019

Mississauga, Ontario
May 8, 2019

Niagara Falls, Ontario
June 3, 2019

Niagara Falls, Ontario
May 23, 2019

Norwich, Ontario
June 13, 2019

Orillia, Ontario
June 13, 2019

Orillia, Ontario
May 25, 2019

Owen Sounds, Ontario
July 18, 2019

Paris, Ontario
July 12, 2019

Paris, Ontario
May 10, 2019

Red Deer, Alberta
May 15, 2019

Tillsonburg, Ontario
May 19, 2019

Unknown City, Nova Scotia
May 12, 2019

Unknown City, Nova Scotia
May 14, 2019

Wiarton, Ontario
May 18, 2019


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