Learn About The Charter of Health Freedom & Take Action!

Protect Your Freedom to Choose!

This video highlights the constant threat of restrictive regulations from Health Canada and how the Charter of Health Freedom provides a permanent solution to safeguard your access to natural health products, like vitamins, minerals, herbs, and homeopathic remedies.

Your help is necessary to make the Charter a reality! We have a goal to gather 250,000 petition signatures to demonstrate to our government how crucial this issue is to Canadians.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Watch the video to understand the problem and solution.
  2. Visit charterofhealthfreedom.org to print your petition kit.
  3. Collect signatures in your community. Great places to do this include:
    • Local health food stores
    • Community centres
    • Gyms and fitness centres
    • Farmers’ markets
    • Social gatherings
    • Houses of worship
    • Natural health clinics
    • Health conventions
    • University campuses

Together, we can protect our freedom to choose natural health products and traditional medicines.

Join us in making a lasting change for Canada. Visit charterofhealthfreedom.org and participate in the solution.

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