MP Lloyd Longfield’s Response to a Constituent’s Letter

How exactly do these new regulations ensure only the “best” products make it to the shelves when they will force countless small and medium-sized companies out of business?

Expertly crafted, high-quality natural health products that Canadians rely on will disappear… not because they are unsafe or ineffective but because manufacturers simply can’t afford the massive new fees.

These fees will be charged annually for every single product a company sells, making it impossible for many to stay in business. The result? Fewer choices and higher prices for Canadians.

Extending Vanessa’s Law to natural health products is unnecessary and reckless. Health Canada already has all the powers it needs to address safety concerns, including:

  • Ordering stop-sales of any product.
  • Revoking product licenses.
  • Seizing products.
  • Conducting random inspections.
  • Imposing fines of up to $5,000.

If these additional powers were truly necessary, Health Canada should be able to point to specific examples of safety issues they couldn’t resolve under the current system… but no such evidence has been provided.

MP Lloyd Longfield must understand: these new regulations will not “protect Canadians.”

Health Canada is imposing measures based on pharmaceutical frameworks that are entirely unsuitable for natural health products. The result? Fewer products, fewer companies, and skyrocketing prices for Canadians.

Ready to draft a letter of your own? Check out our letter writing toolkit as a guide to craft effective letters that educate your MP!

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